This workshop will be used as a public forum to discuss the Salt Lake City ShakeOut 2014 exercise that was conducted at Highland Park Elementary on April 17th. This was the first Full-Scale Exercise conducted to integrate shelter/reunification operations, the CERT program, and Amateur Radio operators under the umbrella of the SAFE Neighborhoods program.
As introduced last year, in the event of a catastrophic incident that requires evacuation of a community neighborhood, individuals and families need a SAFE location to go for family reunification, temporary sheltering, and a place to receive emergency public information.
Salt Lake City, in partnership with the American Red Cross, and the Salt Lake City School District developed the SAFE Neighborhoods program which trains volunteers from each school neighborhood to open, staff, and run their own reunification shelters within their own school neighborhoods until outside resources arrive. However, the sheltering/reunification operations are only one component the SAFE Neighborhoods program. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Amateur Radio are two additional critical components in our “Whole Communities” planning efforts.
As we move forward, coordination with faith-based and other volunteer, community, and/or non-governmental organizations will be incorporated. Please come and participate in the discussion to learn about what is being accomplished and learn about how to become involved with Community Preparedness in your area!
Community Preparedness Workshop
Saturday, May 10, 2014, 8:00 am – 11:30 am
Public Safety Building
475 S 300 E
Salt Lake City, UT
8:00am Sign-in & Light continental breakfast/ Welcome & Open Meeting
– John Flynt/Mayor’s Office
8:30am ShakeOut 2014 Exercise – Review & Discussion
This session will review the details of the individual exercise activities: shelter,
CERT, and amateur radio. Questions and input from exercise participants
are encouraged.
10:15am Break
10:30am Vigilant Guard Exercise
In this session, discussion will focus on the Vigilant Guard exercise to be
held on November 4th. Though this exercise in conjunction with the Utah
National Guard, the community based portion of the exercise will consist
of the same functions as the ShakeOut exercise. The primary difference will
be the conduct of exercise operations at two schools instead of just one.
Leaders from each of the respective disciplines (shelter, CERT, & amateur
radio) will have the opportunity to present discussion items concerning
exercise conduct.
11:30am Adjourn
Free parking is available immediately to the right as you turn on to Blair St. from 400 South, in the small parking lot to the east of Blair St. on the east side of the Public Safety Building, and on 500 South beside the Public Safety Building.
People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this meeting. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions or additional information, please contact Michael Stott, ADA Coordinator, at michael.stott@slcgov.com, (801) 535-7976, or TDD (801) 535-6021.
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