M         FREQUENCY                                    M         FREQUENCY                    .
1          462.5625         Shared                        12        467.6625         FRS Only
2          462.5875         Shared                        13        467.6875         FRS Only
3          462.6125         Shared                        14        467.7125         FRS Only
4          462.6375         Shared                        15        462.550           GMRS Only
5          462.6625         Shared                        16        462.575           GMRS Only
6          462.6875         Shared                        17        462.600           GMRS Only
7          462.7125         Shared                        18        462.625           GMRS Only
8          467.5625         FRS Only                    19        462.650           GMRS Only
9          467.5875         FRS Only                    20        462.675           GMRS Only
10        467.6125         FRS Only                    21        462.700           GMRS Only
11        467.6375         FRS Only                    22        462.725           GMRS Only

Wards in the Salt Lake Foothill Stake will use the channel number that matches their ward number. Except for the First Ward, that will use Channel 5. 
FRS Channel 1 should be reserved as the Calling Channel.

     Do not use the privacy codes.
     Do not store FRS/GMRS radios with batteries installed.

Be sure all of your FRS/GMRS radios can communicate with each other. Some may have channels/frequencies that do not match other FRS/GMRS radios you are using.