By Emilee Eagar, posted on April 5th, 2014
"The LDS Church has set a goal to offer 200 volunteers to the Red Cross by the end of 2014 through callings, church service and missionary assignments, said Kristy Denlein, volunteer services director for the charity's Utah region.
The initiative came from a conversation between the LDS Church and Red Cross leaders to take their national agreement and partnership to "the next level," Denlein said.
The volunteers will provide extra support in the local communities and respond to disasters to give "breadth in our services and some depth in our responses through disaster preparedness and response," she said.
The idea for the initiative came after Red Cross Utah Regional CEO Heidi Ruster and Bishop Gérald Caussé, first counselor in the LDS Church's Presiding Bishopric, met to discuss their long-term relationship and how to enhance services that both organizations contribute to the community.
So far, Denlein said, there are 18 volunteers through this new initiative, mostly from Utah County. The initiative also has potential to expand outside of Utah.
"The Red Cross and the LDS Church have a strong partnership nationwide, so I think it's something here, modeling that good relationship with a community partner like the LDS Church, that could definitely be modeled throughout the country," Denlein said."
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