Millcreek Township
Emergency Preparedness Fair
Saturday, April 27th, 2013
The Home Depot
3398 S Highland Drive
10am to 2pm
Need Help Getting Prepared?
The Millcreek Township Emergency Preparedness Fair has been scheduled for Saturday, April 27th.
What should be in your 72 hour kit? What preparations should you take in your home? How can you get training to help your family and your neighbors when the need arises?
Bring the family and learn why and how you should prepare for a natural disaster or a community emergency. Demonstrations by the United Fire Authority, the Unified Police Deparment and fun for the kids!!
Come and see these Cool Exhibits:
- Air Med Helicopter - landing at 10:30 am
- Earthquake Simulator
- UFA Smoke Trailer and UFA Bomb Squad
- UPD Command Center and SWAT Team
- Solar Cooking Demo
- St. Mark's Hospital HazMat Demo
- UHP Seat Belt Crash Demo
- CERT Fire and Cribbing Demo
- Expired RX Drug Drop
- National Guard Climbing Wall
- and more!!!
Community Emergency Response Training, car safety, earthquake safety and many other exciting and important topics!
Food and drinks will be available from Maverick First Stop.
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