"I have a sense and a feeling as we have watched some of these disasters in the world, that this is a time for us to learn and prepare from these experiences. Sister Thompson gave an testimony of that, and the preparation happens in our own homes. There are not enough tents in the world to furnish every person with a tent unless the members of the church have a tent in their own homes...a simple thing like that. And then the storehouse is pressed down, heaped over and running over in our own homes.
Some of you have student apartments, how prepared are you? If an earthquake or economic disaster happened, would you have enough water to drink for 24 hours? would you be able to get by until help could come to you?
Those are the kind of the things we need to be thinking about in our day and time, the Lord expects us to do our little part and then He can bring on the miracles and then we don't need to fear."
Sister Julie Beck, General Relief Society President Training for Relief Society Leaders March 2011, Salt Lake Tabernacle
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